Monday, December 14, 2009

Scratchboard art

This was my final scratch board art piece. I did not really draw too much inspiration from outside sources with the exception of the clothes part. What I did use was the the random shapes kind of floating around in the clothes area. I say area because in this form of art there are no clothes drawn in it is instead filled in with other things like random shapes or something completely organic (like vines wrapping around them to create the same effect.

The one thing I feel like I could have done better is maybe done this effect of stars in the background a little better. It did not really show up in the scan but it looked much better when you see the actual piece. If you look right now you probably cant see all of them unless you look really closely. Other than that I really like the way this project turned out.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Art Neveou: What I thought looked good.

Here are a couple of pictures/patterns/designs that really caught my eye.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Stipiling : Final Products

The first image that I chose to complete for this project was an image of Chuck Norris. I found that the reputation of him being able to do ridiculous things such as "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise." and "Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.". My first thought was "dang I wish I could do that. The process of actually getting it done it was rather hard. There was a lot of black in this picture so it took tons of time and focus. It was hard to produce the beard because everything in the picture was a jet black so it took me a while to try and think of how to produce the effect of the beard. Also to make it seem like a completely different part then the head or the shirt below him despite all of those areas being the same shade of black. So in all I had to some what deviate from the actual picture to produce better effects in this drawing.

This image was my water bear image. There is a somewhat elaborate reason behind me choosing this particular image for my project. But beyond that reason when I did have the initial sketch done I looked at it and thought this might fight right into the theme. The theme we had chosen was heroes and villains. When I had the sketch done and thought "this particular look in nothing but black and white kind of does make it look more evil". I thought to use the water bear as my villain product because it was brought up as a joke that the water bear was Chuck Norris' arch-nemesis due to its ability to survive amazing temperature variations.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Picture Ideas.

Here are some of the pictures that I thought would be cool to illustrate in the coming project.